Friday, November 16, 2007

Herbed Turkey Stock

Getting ready for Thanksgiving!! Yeah! This is the first year that it will be at my home and I can't wait! Both of my sisters and their husbands are flying in for the celebration. I just love Thanksgiving. It's such a warm, comforting time full of food, family, and heavenly smells. Only one more week!

I decided to start my preparations in advance so that I'm able to relax when my sisters are here. So I made my turkey stock from a recipe from Fine Cooking. I'll use it for my gravy on Thanksgiving. I roasted turkey parts with aromatic vegetables, then simmered them with fresh herbs: thyme, sage, and parsely. After straining, I popped it in the freezer. The aroma was great! Recipe coming soon!

Type rest of the post here

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